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Writer's pictureKirsten Cetrone


Updated: Oct 28, 2024

I often find myself thinking about Time and feeling like there is never enough of "It". I consider ways to better find, manage and use time more effectively. In many ways I am a good manager of my Time. For work, family and home I can get done what needs to be done relatively easily.

The problem? Finding Time to manage and use for the goals and aspirations I put into my thoughts and heart. Getting to where I want to be personally seems difficult and out of reach at times because I just can't... Find the Time. Then it seems Time is slipping away, going too quickly, leaving a heavy longing for the things I feel like I'm not able to do, or missing completely.

For a long while, I felt like I didn't do the things I wanted to do for myself. I had responsibilities, commitments and people counted on me. It was overwhelming and I felt like time was passing me by. I couldn't Make Time for myself, or even the time to figure out what it was that I felt like I was missing. I didn't know how to change the trajectory of Spending Time away from myself. I had too much to do and when I didn't have anything to do, I had to think about what I needed to do. It was exhausting and left little room for myself, or to just feel like myself - whatever that even meant.

Part of me felt selfish for wanting time or something just for myself - something that wasn't about work, caring for others, or using my time to make life easier for everyone else. When I finally did make time for myself it was usually because I was overwhelmed and stressed out. And then this time for myself felt wasted on negativity and I couldn't get out of my own way.

Regulating daily stressors helps to avoid feelings of overwhelm and anxiousness. These feelings start in our thoughts and can fill every muscle of our body. It affects our days with little pains, fatigue, headaches, stiff muscles and our nights with sleeplessness.

When I show up feeling my best, I not only achieve the results I want but also bring out the best in others. It is much easier to pour from the cup overflowing, than the cup that is empty. Prioritizing yourself each day is a service not only to yourself, but also to your work, those around you and all you aspire to do.

Putting Time in your calendar. Setting a Reminder on your phone. Whatever works for you to remember during the busy-ness of the day to take even a few moments just for yourself.

Call it your Daily Practice to Be and Feel your Best. Start small, a little time each day. Whether it is 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or an hour, set aside that time for you. Maybe 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. Take a few moments, however long, to do nothing, think nothing, and concentrate only on your breath. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and relax as you exhale. Let your mind clear and your body relax.

Easy ways to calm and relax in minutes...

  • Deep Breathing, slowly, pay attention to and regulate your breath.

  • Listen to soothing music.

  • Take a short walk and pay attention to your surroundings.

  • Sit in the sun

If you're just a little like me, you'll think you have to be prepared for this time. Get ready. Be ready. I have to change my clothes, my shoes, put my hair up, prepare myself before I sit, walk, breathe to calm myself. No. The act of deliberately practicing Calm and Relaxation is to get there. Don't wait for some perfect moment to do it during the day (you won't find one), the moment is when you schedule it and it is intended to move you to a space of Calm, Relaxation and Self-Awareness. Each of us has an obligation to be the best we can be for ourselves. If we choose to come from a place of inner peace, then we also have to choose to be deliberate in creating that in our mind and body first.

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